Monday, December 1, 2008

the "X"s

I just woke up from a nap.

Today was twofer (<--actually a word). The first half was pretty good because Vickie came to school, even though she was late. I thought she was going to sleep in for a bit and come in during the second block of the day, but she came in a couple minutes before the morning warning bell. Then after lunch I walked Vickie to her class. The last time I would see her was during band practice and that was when my day went down. Maybe it's just me, but I despise her talking to her ex. I get insecure chills every time I see her talking to him. I'm supposed to trust her and all, but it's hard to. When I see them talk, thoughts come to into mind that I don't even want to talk about. Even though she said, whatever happened, landed us here, and that I should not complain about that past. There are just some things that I can't let go. Vicenta, my ex, is also getting a bit weird and I should have listened to Vickie about her. Vicenta talks to Vickie only when I'm around (flirting). Vicenta sorta likes to brag around me about stuff she's better than Vickie (flirting). Vicenta is always around me when I'm near Vickie (flirting). Like today, I was just talking to Vickie and Vicenta streaks her hand on my back. Maybe it was supposed to be a friendly pat? I'll never know for sure.

Long story short: I try my best not to talk to Vicenta because Vickie gets iffy about that and I see her talking to her ex, which isn't really working out for me. Maybe I should just let it go and fully trust Vickie that she knows what she's doing... I really don't know what to do at this point.

I'm jealous.

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